
contemporary dance performance

The performance is named after the French word “reverie,” which can be described as a dreamlike, contemplative, or reflective state when the mind wanders freely.

The contemporary dance production consists of two parts:


The performance titled Sirius/Related Elements is inspired by Tóth Árpád’s poem From Soul to Soul, which draws from the longing for connections before returning to a quiet reflection on the universe and human experiences. The movements symbolize the struggle to bridge the distances between people and the vast, incomprehensible universe. The piece invites the audience to reflect on their connections within the universe and the infinite existence of life.


The legacies of previous generations combined with new waves result in a complex inner world and worldview for today’s youth. Navigating and understanding both the world and themselves in this environment requires a special kind of flexibility and perspective. The 1980s were characterized by strong individualism and rebellion against norms, alongside significant technological advancements. The dreams, love, rebellion, and self-discovery of young people are universal themes that span across eras in our lives. The piece draws parallels between the experimental efforts of the ’80s and today’s new wave elements through music and costumes. The Generation Z dancers and the progressive music of fellow Gen Z artist Előd reflect on the intertwining of past and present, demonstrating that the essence of human experience remains constant, no matter how much times change.


Location:Csokonai Forum, Latinovits Zoltán hall

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