Ráckevei Anna

Outstanding Artist, Merited Artist

Born in Budapest on February 25, 1960.
She graduated from the University of Theatre and Film Arts in 1985.
She began her career at Madách Theatre in 1985. Since 2006, she has been a member of Csokonai National Theatre Debrecen, where she served as director from 2013 to 2018.

Career Milestones:

  • 1985‒1989: Madách Theatre
  • 1989‒1991: National Theatre
  • 1993‒1996: Művész Theatre and Thália Theatre
  • 1996‒1997: Katona József Theatre Kecskemét
  • 1998‒2006: Új Theatre
  • 2006‒present: Csokonai National Theatre


  • Outstanding Artist (2018)
  • Artist of Merit (2011)
  • Kazinczy Award (2004)
  • Mensáros Award (1995)
  • Hungarian Art Award (1992)
  • Farkas-Ratkó Award (1991)
  • Jászai Mari Award (1991)
  • Rajz János Award (1990)