
a dance performance by the Debrecen Folk Company and the Debrecen Hajdú Dance Company

Date: 4 June 2025
Rain-day: 5 June 2025
Great Forest Open-Air Stage

Celebrational dance performance in two parts

A show made possible by the participation of more than 100 artists, in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Great Forest Open-Air Stage.

On the Day of National Unity, the Debrecen Folk Company and the Debrecen Hajdú Dance Company will open the 2025 summer season in the Great Forest with a two-part celebrational dance performance. Together with Debrecen’s two renowned dance ensembles, we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Great Forest Open-Air Stage, which first opened its doors on June 10, 1950, with Zoltán Kodály’s Székelyfonó.

The performance by the Debrecen Folk Company, Tizenhárom almafa (Thirteen Apple Trees), is an adaptation of Albert Wass’s popular novel. The production not only pays tribute to but also draws inspiration from Székely culture, which is reflected in both the choreography and the musical elements.

One year after its premiere at the Csokonai Theatre, the Debrecen Hajdú Dance Company brings back its performance, LélekTánc a szabadságért (Soul Dance for Freedom). First presented on Debrecen City Day in 2024, the production uses the language of movement to bring themes such as freedom, love, faith, and the power of community to life on stage.


Duration:160 minutes, with one intermission

Location:Great Forest Open-Air stage

Now playing

June 04.

Subscription pause

Tizenhárom almafa (Thirteen Apple Trees)

Debrecen Folk Company

Lélektánc a szabadságért (Soul Dance for Freedom)

Debrecen Hajdú Dance Company


Lélektánc a szabadságért (Soul Dance for Freedom):


Bürkös Band, Szerényi Béla jr. on hurdy-gurdy and wind instruments

Artistic director

Tiszai Zsuzsánna


Furik Rita

Awarded the Hungarian Heritage Award, the Martin György Creative Excellence Award, and the Kallós Zoltán Award for Hungarians Beyond the Borders

Dance company leaders

Lovas Eszter and Takács Zoltán


Furik Rita

Awarded the Hungarian Heritage Award, the Martin György Creative Excellence Award, and the Kallós Zoltán Award for Hungarians Beyond the Borders.

Musical editor, Costume designer and Composer

Dezsőházi Tamás és Szerényi Béla jr.

Choreographers, Dance masters

Furik Rita, Tiszai Zsuzsánna, Farkas Tamás, Farkas Ágnes, Ligetiné Csendom Erika, Lovas Eszter, Takács Zoltán

Purchase your tickets now!

Tickets are available at our ticket offices and online via